They're My Cousin
By recognizing we are all cousins, all part of the vast and beautiful human family, perhaps we can be a little kinder, for they are your cousin after all.
They're My Cousin
By recognizing we are all cousins, all part of the vast and beautiful human family, perhaps we can be a little kinder, for they are your cousin after all.
Life By Choice
Our lives are ours to choose. The choice of what we are and will become is ours alone to make, as it's not a choice that should ever be left to others.
The Fruits of Fear
Fear can move us to both inaction and action. Both are destructive. We must see fear for what it is so that it can be overcome.
Meet the WDS Attendees: Part III
In the final post recounting the stories told by some of the 2013 WDS attendees, we learn about doing good within our own sphere of influence.
Meet the WDS Attendees: Part II
In the second entry in this three-part series, we look at more WDS attendees and their stories. They are going out and making their dreams come true.
Meet the WDS Attendees: Part I
The attendees are what makes WDS so exciting, wonderful and special. In the first of a three part series, we look at the report on the $100 Investment.
Embrace Creative Craft
At the World Domination Summit this year, photographer Chase Jarvis presented a keynote that encouraged everyone to embrace creative craft in their lives.
Stepping into the Dark
Stepping into the dark can be a very scary experience. However, it also provides a great opportunity to learn and grow, as related by Tess Vigeland at WDS.
Protecting One's Dreams
When we are little, our dreams are our reality, yet as we grow older, many of us seem to lose them. Just as important today, we must protect our dreams.
Jia Jiang’s WDS 2013 talk has been posted
Jia Jiang's WDS talk outlining his love affair with rejection was one of my favorites.
Projecting Rejection
Fear of rejection is far worse than rejection itself. Jia Jiang's WDS 2013 talk on this affected me greatly--when do I succumb to this paralyzing fear?
World Domination and Other Extracurricular Activities
Trying to get my thoughts together from attending the World Domination Summit (WDS), I talk about what it and its core values mean to me and my community.