Meet the WDS Attendees: Part III
In the final post recounting the stories told by some of the 2013 WDS attendees, we learn about doing good within our own sphere of influence.
Meet the WDS Attendees: Part III
In the final post recounting the stories told by some of the 2013 WDS attendees, we learn about doing good within our own sphere of influence.
Meet the WDS Attendees: Part II
In the second entry in this three-part series, we look at more WDS attendees and their stories. They are going out and making their dreams come true.
Meet the WDS Attendees: Part I
The attendees are what makes WDS so exciting, wonderful and special. In the first of a three part series, we look at the report on the $100 Investment.
I Believe in Creativity
Creativity and education go hand-in-hand. How we teach our children matters. How we continue to learn matters even more. We need creativity in our lives.
Virtual Choir 4 Released!
Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir 4: Fly to Paradise has finally been released thanks to a great composer, a successful Kickstarter, and many talented singers.
4th Graders, Plywood & Gamification
There’s a growing trend known as gamification, perhaps you’ve heard of it. Perhaps not.
And I try, and I made it.
Erecting a tower using wood from the blue gum tree, William and his friend Geoffrey were able to get his windmill, built on an old bicycle frame, mounted.